Celebrating 2 decade of existence
Dalawampu is a musical festival organized by SMA Negeri 20 Bandung that brings themes inspired by people's lives. Dalawampu aims to spread important messages to the community where each year has a different message. In 2025, Dalawampu Artemora stand with the theme 'renewal' which is a form of restarting a bright start while celebrating the existence of Dalawampu for 2 decades. Artemora itself means that new life will be born with light after passing through darkness.
we celebrating the perks of renewal by organising musical festival, we've invited guest stars that in line with our concept 'Carnaval'.
These guest stars will share their stories and happiness so as to foster inspiration and courage to rise. Dalawampu will continue to evolve and connect with people's lives through our works.
Come join an adventure with us and experience the beauty of renewal through the language of music.